Update to Tezos and Tezos Asset Fee Structures

Bittrex is upgrading our Tezos wallet infrastructure to support both FA1.2 and FA2 assets. As part of this upgrade, changes will be made to how XTZ balances are managed on the platform.

Users who hold any Tezos assets must retain a small balance of XTZ to fund asset sweeps from a user’s Tezos token deposit address to Bittrex’s Tezos base address. The initial minimum balance is 0.25 XTZ.

For users who do not hold any XTZ, Tezos asset deposits will work as follows:

  1. When a user requests a Tezos asset deposit address, Bittrex will check the user’s XTZ balance. If their balance is below 0.25 XTZ, Bittrex will deposit sufficient funds to bring their balance up to 0.25 XTZ.
  2. If that user deposits XTZ in the future, Bittrex will sweep the deposited amount minus what is required to bring the balance back to 0.25 XTZ.

We would like to thank the Tezos team for working closely with us.

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