Issues with Identity Verification


We use a third party software to analyze all documents and photos submitted for Identity Verification to your Bittrex account.


Beginning January 9, 2023, this software will no longer support the Internet Explorer browser for Web users.

Unfortunately, software can make mistakes sometimes, causing some users to have issues with Identity Verification.

Here is a list of common issues with Identity Verification and helpful tips to avoid or resolve them:

Selfie Issues 


❌  a photo was uploaded rather than taken live in the app

❌  the area was poorly lit

❌  you were not looking straight into the camera / face was not aligned with the oval that appears on screen

❌  the photo is blurry or out of focus

❌  your face was covered in some way


  • take a live selfie when prompted by the app
  • take the photo in a well lit area
  • look straight into the camera and align your face with the oval that appears on screen
  • make sure no one else is in the photo
  • make sure the photo is in focus and not blurry
  • remove any sunglasses, hats, scarves, or any other clothing/accessory that may cover the face


When taking your selfie photo in the Bittrex app, the screen will turn black and white and the image will look distorted. Not to worry, this is totally expected.

Unsupported ID


❌  a photo of an unsupported ID was submitted


  • submit a photo of a supported ID type for your country/region - you can find a list of supported ID types here!


    This list is subject to change. If you need to re-verify your identity at a later point, be sure to reference the link above to ensure you are uploading a supported document.

Unreadable ID


❌  a photo or scan of the ID was uploaded rather than taken live in the app

❌  a glare is blocking information on the ID

❌  either the front or back of the ID is obstructed in some way (e.g. covered by a hand, or cut out of the frame)

❌  the ID was altered in some way (e.g. information redacted, or watermarked)


  • take live photos of the front and back of your ID when prompted by the app
  • make sure the photos are well lit and free from glare
  • include the entire ID in the photos, and make sure there are no spots that are obstructed or unreadable
  • do not alter the ID in any way
Expired ID


❌  a photo of an expired ID was submitted


  • submit a photo of a non-expired ID
Non-Latin characters on Government ID


❌  a photo of a government ID with non-Latin characters was submitted


  • if submitting a government ID that does not support Latin characters, please proactively contact Bittrex Support so we can help
  • alternatively, consider submitting a photo of an international passport (if supported in your country/region - double check here), as these documents do contain Latin characters
Re-used ID


❌  the same ID has been re-used from a previous verification attempt


  •  Contact Bittrex Support so we can investigate further.

The above tips should help, but if you continue to have issues verifying your identity, please contact Bittrex Support so one of our friendly human analysts can take a look!

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Verification Issues

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