Wallet removal on 10/14/2019

Edit 9/18: Wallet removal date has been extended from September 27th to October 14th

We are removing wallets that do not have markets. Wallet removals are a routine part of our ongoing platform management for performance and operational efficiency.

Any customers that have balances within these wallets, must withdraw their assets before October 14, 2019, 00:01 PDT. 

To withdraw your tokens, please login to https://www.bittrex.com and click Wallets. Next, you will need to search for the impacted wallet and click the withdrawal button to open the withdraw dialog. Then, you will be able to withdraw your balance. Please note if your balance is below the minimum withdrawal amount for the wallet, you will not be able to withdrawal it.

If you have any issues withdrawing before the October 14, 2019, 00:01 PDT deadline, immediately file a support ticket at: https://support.bittrex.com

For additional information about this process, review the Bittrex Market and Token Removal Policy support article at: https://support.bittrex.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000474232-Bittrex-Market-Token-Removal-Policy 

The wallets that will be removed are:

BITB - Bit Bean
KORE - Kore
MUSIC - Musicoin
THC - Hemp Coin (THC wallet will be removed on October 29 00:01 PDT, please make sure to withdrawal before this date) 
TKS - Tokes

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Wallet Removals

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