Market and wallet removal - 03/08/2015

In an effort to remove dead and unsupported coins from our systems, we have identified coins with broken blockchains and flagged them for removal on March 8th, 2015. Note, that these coins have broken blockchains with no active dev and we can not send funds anywhere.

Mugata - MUGA - blockchain broken
BankNote - BN - blockchain forked or broken
PesaCoin - PES - blockchain forked or broken
IncognitoCoin - ICG - blockchain broken
EquinoxCoin - EQX - blockchain broken
ScatterCoin - XSTC - blockchain broken
OptimumCoin - OPTI - blockchain broken
Diode - DIO - blockchain broken

Additionally, the following broken wallets will also be removed.

GhostCoin - GHOST
MoCoin - MOB
DarkSwitft - DS

Thank you for your time and for trading at!

Best regards,
Bittrex Team

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